

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2020-03-26 12:34:22  阅读:9573+ 来源:自媒体 作者:美国夏校精选


塔夫茨大学(Tufts University),是美国顶尖的研讨型私立大学,在波士顿区仅次于哈佛大学和麻省理工学院,名列波士顿五大名校(哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、塔夫茨大学、波士顿学院,布兰迪斯大学)之一。塔夫茨大学具有美国最陈旧和最富盛名的世界关系研讨生院之一:弗莱彻(Fletcher )法令与交际学院。此外,塔夫茨医学中心 (Tufts Medical Center) 是塔夫茨大学医学院的首要教育医院。更有在养分学上名声在外的弗里德曼(Friedman School) 养分科学与方针学院,是学术界的标杆之一。

【校园名称】: 塔夫茨大学 Tufts

【校园排名】: 2020 USNEWS 综合性大学#29

【校园方位】: 马赛诸塞州波士顿郊区

【校园性质】: 私立semester制

【学生人数】: 11,586,其间本科生5,643

【师生份额】: 1:9


【讲堂规划】: 69.4 %的讲堂少于20名学生



【SAT】: Required, Essay Optional

【ACT】: Required, Essay Optional



【面试】Optional, 提交网申后自行请求interview


【早请求截止日期】: ED 11.1, 12月中旬发布成果

ED2-1.1, 2月中旬发布成果

【惯例请求截止日期】: RD 1.1,4.1发布成果

文书标题:Common (7选1)或许 Coalition (5选1)


Applicants to the School ofArts and Sciences, School of Engineering, and 5-Year Tufts/NEC Combined Degreeanswer the following two questions:

1. Whichaspects of the Tufts undergraduate experience prompt your application? Inshort, ‘Why Tufts?’ (100-150 words)

2. Now we'dlike to know a little more about you. Please respond to one ofthe following three questions. (200-250 words):

A) Fromrecognizing break dancing as a new Olympic sport, to representation in media,to issues of accessibility in our public transit systems, what is somethingthat you can talk about endlessly? What do you care about and why?

B) Whether you've built circuit boards or writtenslam poetry, created a community event or designed mixed media installations,tell us: What have you designed, invented, engineered, or produced? Or what doyou hope to?

C) We allhave a story to tell. And with over 5,000 undergraduate students on our campus,that is over 5,000 stories to share and learn. What’s yours?

Applicants to the BFA or5-Year BFA+BA/BS Combined Degree at the SMFA at Tufts answer the following twoquestions:

1. Whichaspects of the Tufts undergraduate experience prompt your application? Why SMFAat Tufts? (100-150 words)

2. Art hasthe power to disrupt our preconceptions, shape public discourse, and imaginenew ways of being in the world. Whether you think of Ai Weiwei’s work reframingthe refugee crisis, Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald’s portraits of the Obamasreimagining portrait painting on a national scale, or Yayoi Kusama’s fancifulInfinity Mirrors rekindling our sense of wonder, it is clear that contemporaryart is driven by ideas. What are the ideas you’d like to explore in your work?(200-250 words)

请求费: $75 世界生

学生膏火 & 杂费:$58,578;

住宿费: $15,086

1 跨大学选课


2 精英院校的传承

五十年前,Tufts是典型的白人精英校园(prestige school), 里边的学生既要是学霸,还要有着贵族的身世。而今日,在大多数美国人的印象中,塔夫茨大学已让是精英阶层的代表,一起或许是仅有一所被美国人作为是Ivy plus的校园。Tufts的医学在全美来说是顶尖的,本科阶段的pre-med 也十分超卓。校园着重精英教育,本科生和研讨生人数适当,在东海岸享用很高的盛誉。


以上项目介绍仅供参考,详情请增加小帮手,咨询咱们 微信 / 电话:136 1118 1627
